Rosa Solange Alonso

Birthday: October 29, 1996

University: Instituto Superior San Ignacio de Loyola (ISIL)

Major: International Business

City: Lima

Rosa is a 28-year-old International Business student with a particular interest in global trade and cultural diversity. She is originally from Lima, the youngest of three siblings, and currently lives with her husband in the Surco district. She serves as the secretary of the Young Women organization in her ward.

“My bishop told me about the Denise Wright scholarship; I felt that I had received an answer to my prayers and that Our Heavenly Father was giving me the opportunity I had been waiting for,” she mentioned. Rosa is committed to her professional development and aspires to participate in an academic exchange in the future to experience different teaching methodologies and learn from various cultures. With all this experience, she hopes to create a company that generates job opportunities for her community.